Friday, September 11, 2009

Family Photos

When we were in Ohio for my family's reunion, my mom had a photographer ( come take some family photos. Here are some of my favorites:

Eli loves to give this scowl to people. He has found that it is good for a sure-fire laugh. He will scowl, look at each and EVERY person in the room to make sure everyone has seen it, then he will bust out laughing- as will everyone else. He is quite the ham.

See, here is the laugh that follows the scowl...

Here's my family. This is only my immediate family. With all my aunts, uncles, and cousins there were about 50 of us. This photo has my brothers, parents, brother-in-law, sister and nieces.


Rob and Candy said...


Dream Factory Sleep Solutions said...

Wow! He just keeps getting cuter. You are so blessed!