Dressing like Daddy
We thought it was funny they are still proudly displaying this poster at the airport...Of course, in Ethiopia it is 2001 so Boeing still has 7 years to deliver.
As promised, here is the picture of Matthew playing hide-and-seek. Look closely.
Yes, that's an electrical outlet in our shower at the hotel in Addis.
What huuuuge beautiful eyes he has!
Ya'll must be so proud!
Welcome home Elijah; God has such great plans for you little one!!!
Jesse and Sarah
I have been stalking your blog, after seeing the link on Facebook. What a blessing! I am sooo happy for you guys. I think I commented a while back to welcome you to Motherhood, so welcome to your husband to single-Fatherhood when Mommy is sick! haha What an awesome thing God has done in the life of little Eli. He couldn't be a luckier little guy. I hope you guys have a wonderful year full of "firsts"!
Glad we weren't the only ones freaked out by the outlet in the shower!!
I LOVE the pics! SOOOO happy for you guys! PRaise God!
Oh Nik~I'm so excited for you guys. Can't wait so see and hear more.
Congrats on bringing your son home (finally!). We'll be praying for the many adjustments you'll all be making and of course that little Eli will round out nicely :)
i am so happy to know that he is home...even though he is small for his age i have to say that his cheeks look so much fuller than when i was with him in october...and older!
What a blessing! Congratulations on your new parenthood. Can't wait to hear more as your journey continues!
So happy to see you with your son!
He is so beautiful! Congratulations!
I love reading your updates on your blog!
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