Sunday, November 2, 2008

Tentative Travel Dates- Take 2

Well, they're called tentative for a reason, right??? We got a phone call from our agency's program director saying that we had a court date on Thursday and we did not pass through. The Ministry of Women's Affairs (the government agency in Ethiopia that processes adoptions) did not send over our approval letter to the courts, so the judge could not finalize the adoption. It happened to our entire travel group.

We have another court date scheduled for early December and got a new tentative travel date of December 13th. We've got another shot to make it before Christmas!


Unknown said...

Find comfort in realizing that God is all knowing!

He knew about this way before you did. The things that you don't know, He already does. Trust in Him and know that His delays are full of purpose. Even though you probably know these things already, and even though I'm sure it doesn't make the wait any easier, remember that he is being well taken care of, just as you mentioned in a previous post. No need to worry, Elijah will unite with you quickly.

Love you guys! Oh, and Matthew, Jesse misses you tons! He especially does when he can't find a golf buddy to beat. :-)

Around the World said...

Hey - we are traveling on Dec 13!!! Just booked by tickets...would be great if we traveled on the same flight!!!

Around the World said...

email me sometime at and we can keep in touch that way too! It would be great to travel together.....

Anonymous said...

well I guess these court/travel dates are about as consistant as receiving a birthday card from your brother on your birthday. I you get this nailed down soon... We were trying to fly up as a family around then... looks like it may be in Jan. now.. oh well it will be incredible whenever it happens! Love you two!

Around the World said...

Any updates??? I keep checking your blog to see if you'll be traveling with us:)