Monday, September 1, 2008

God of gods

Our church is starting a new series entitled the "God of gods." They put together this promo video (scroll to bottom and click "promo video") which was pretty powerful. Adam wrote the script and Tipton put together the video.

Our friend, Andre, narrates the video. He is from Barbados and has a pretty cool accent. When it started playing in the service on Sunday his wife leaned over to their 3 year old son and asked, "do you know who that is speaking?" He looked at her and whispered "It's God!" HAHA! Of course, about a minute later he says "wait a minute, that's Daddy."


kim said...

This looks great! I just bookmarked it so I could check back as it looks like maybe sermons might be put up. Thanks for sharing.

Kim (YG)

Unknown said...

Jesse and I just watched the video. It's very powerful!
Blessings! The Lopez's.